Modified 15 Nov 2023; Added by Chrow Khurshid
Soil health surveillance technical specifications AFSIS
Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS), a collaborative project led by the Tropical Soil Biology and Fertility Institute (TSBF) of the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT), based in Nairobi, will attempt to narrow sub-Saharan Africa’s soil information gap and provide a consistent baseline for monitoring soil ecosystem services. !e AfSIS project area includes ~17.5 million km2 of continental sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) and almost 0.6 million km2 of Madagascar. !is area that encompasses >90% of Africa’s human population living in 42 countries. !e project area excludes hot and cold desert regions based on the recently revised Köppen-Geiger climate classi"cation, as well as the non-desert areas of Northern Africa, small island nations, protectorates and national territories. For more information, visit the link below.