Modified 14 Mar 2024; Added by
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Lecture 'Geostatistics for soil mapping'

This is a video recording of the lecture on ‘Geostatistics for soil mapping’ that was given by Prof. Dr. Gerard Heuvelink during the ISRIC spring school 2015. The lecture is of introductory nature. No knowledge of geostatistics is required to follow the lecture, though having a basic understanding of statistics will be helpful.

The lecture covers the following topics:

  • Explore spatial variation.
  • Quantify spatial variation with the semivariogram.
  • Estimate the semivariongram from point observations.
  • Use the semivariogram fro spatial interpolation with ordinary kriging.
  • Extend ordinary kriging to regression kriging.

If you wish to practice with geostatistics in with the statistical software R, please check our ‘Geostatistics for soil mapping’ R tutorial.

Video lecture:

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Disclaimer: This video lecture is provided without warranty. Even though this lecture is created with utmost care, ISRIC cannot be held liable for any damage caused by using this lecture or any content therein in whatever form, whether or not caused by possible errors or faults nor for any consequences thereof.

Publication details
Year of publication
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