Operational Phase

This phase focuses on supporting the national owner with the long-term operation and maintenance of the system. It contains periodic reviews of the enabling environment and continuous engagement with users to improve and scale the system.


keep the SIS functional, updated and relevant so that it continues to provide impact to its users. It is not just about keeping the SIS operational, but considering what changes are needed to ensure continuous growth and scalability.


  • Conduct periodic reviews
    • Which activities do you want to review/conduct again throughout the lifespan of the SIS? We recommend revisiting the following components:
      • Envisioning
      • Enabling environment assessment
      • Needs assessment
      • Data strategy
      • Organisational plan
      • Financial sustainability plan
    • What will the period be between the review of each activity?
    • Do you have the budget and resources required for these periodic reviews?
    • Who should be responsible for each review and incorporating the necessary updates to the SIS?
  • Monitor the System
    • How often will you monitor the effectives of the SIS? E.g. every 3 or 6 months?
    • What will you monitor- usage and availability statistics?
    • How will you conduct performance monitoring and user satisfaction reporting?
    • Is the SIS receiving continuous feedback from users for improvement? How is these being assessed, prioritized and addressed?
    • For any technical updates to the system, follow the guidance in component 11, 12 and 13.
  • Update and improve the SIS
    • Is the SIS regularly receiving new data? E.g. from a soil monitoring program, R&D and development community projects or the private sector.
    • Based on the findings of the periodic reviews conducted, what updates or actions are required?
    • How is the SIS addressing the use cases?
    • Have any new risks emerged and how will they be managed?
    • Are there new technologies that can improve the SIS?
    • Is there scope and budget for the addition of decision support tools and apps?

User Feedback!

We value hearing your feedback on your experience using the framework for your SIS interventions so we can improve it further to benefit future interventions. You can provide feedback using the contact form below: